All files / src/pages tags.tsx

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100% Lines 13/13

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import React from "react";
import { graphql } from "gatsby";
import Sidebar from "@/components/Sidebar";
import Tag from "@/components/Tag";
import SEO from "@/components/SEO";
import * as style from "./tags.module.scss";
const Tags = ({ data }: { data: GatsbyTypes.getAllTagsQuery }) => {
  const mapping: { [key: string]: number } = {};
  data.allMarkdownRemark.edges.forEach(({ node }) => {
    node.frontmatter?.tags?.forEach((name) => {
      Eif (name) {
        if (mapping[name]) {
          mapping[name] += 1;
        } else {
          mapping[name] = 1;
  const tags = Array.from(Object.keys(mapping)).sort(
    (b, a) => mapping[a] - mapping[b]
  return (
    <div className="container">
      <div className={style.tagsRow + " row"}>
        <Sidebar />
        <div className={style.tagsPage + " col order-2"}>
          { => (
            <Tag name={item} key={item} count={mapping[item]} />
        siteTitleAlt="tubone BOYAKI"
        description="Tags Page"
export default Tags;
export const pageQuery = graphql`
  query getAllTags {
    allMarkdownRemark {
      edges {
        node {
          frontmatter {